Fire, Injury, and Sudden Illness
Call 119 in case of fire or suffering injury or sudden illness. The emergency number 119 available 24 hours is nationwide and toll free.
- 1.Dial 119 directly without prefix numbers. In the case of a public telephone, press the red emergency button firmly.
- 2.Report the operator whether it is a “fire”or other emergency such as “injury”or “sudden illness”and notify the location and your name.
- (Example)
- kaji desu(There’s a fire.)
- keganin ga imasu(There is an injured person.)
- Kyubyodesu(There is a sick person.)
- basho wa (place) desu(The place is ...)
- watashi wa (name) desu (My name is ...)
- Useful Links: Information About Medical Institutions
- Aichi Emergency Medical Guide Home Page (select English button for translation)
- Hospitals and Clinics Offering Foreign Language Assistance

Traffic Accidents and Crimes
Call 110 if there is a traffic accident or a crime. The emergency number 110 available 24 hours is nationwide and toll free.
- 1. Dial 110 directly without any prefix number.
- 2. Report the operator when and where the incident happened, and what happened as accurately as possible. Inform your name.
- 3. Respond calmly to the questions of the police officer.
- (Example)
- (date),(place in detail) de kotsu jiko (tonan, kenka) ga arimashita
- There was a traffic accident (a theft / a fight) at (date) in (place in detail).
- watashi wa (name) de, kotsu jiko (tonan, kenka) no tojisha (mokugekisha) desu
- My name is (name) and I have witnessed a traffic accident (a theft /a fight).
- renrakusaki wa (phone/mobile number) desu
- The contac number is (phone/mobile number).

Japan is an earthquake-prone country. Tokai region including Aichi Prefecture has been historically damaged by the subduction-zone earthquakes as large as magnitude 8 that have struck every 100 and 150 years. The region also greatly suffered from the active fault earthquakes, the Nobi earthquake in 1891 and the Mikawa earthquake in 1945.
When an Earthquake is Occurred
- a. If you are inside a building, move away from furniture that could topple over and protect yourself under the table until the shaking subusides.
- b. When the shaking subsides, turn off the gas and close the gas cock to prevent fires.
- c. When the quake calms down, open the necessary doors to assure your way out.
- d. If you are outside, watch out for the falling objects including block fences, collapses of vending machines, pieces of broken glasses, or sign boards.
- e. Earthquakes may trigger a tsunami. If you are near the shore, please evacuate to a higher ground.
- f. If you are driving a car when an earthquake occurs, hold the steering wheel firmly, slow down gradually and stop the car on the left side of the road and turn off the engine. If you need to evacuate, do so on foot, leaving the key inside and the car unlocked taking all valuables including the vehicle inspection certificate with you.
- g.In case of evacuating the housing, shut off the main water valve. Also disconnect the main switch for the electricity to avoid electrical appliances damaged or overturned during the earthquake cause a fire when power is recovered.

Typhoons & Torrential Rains
Typhoons frequently approached Japan during the summer and autumn. If a typhoon approaches, the subsequent strong winds and heavy rain may cause other damage such as floods or landslides. Pay attention to the radio or television for typhoon information. If a typhoon approaches, avoid travel, excursions to mountain, fishing or bathing on beaches as possible.
Also damage is generated by a large amount of concentrated torrential rains in a short period of time or intense rainfalls in aparticulargeographical point. It is important to be prepared against possible typhoons and torrential rains and previously confirm the place of nearest refuge.
Useful Link : Weather and Earthquakes news in AICHI
Japan Meteorological Agency

Source : Aichi Handbook(Aichi International Association)